Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Study of Web 2.0

The tool and technology that I found the most useful is the blog. People can use the blog to discuss important and fun facts about politics, businesses, and life. I would use the blog to market myself to businesses and discuss fun facts about myself that are interesting.
Some new applications are the Twitter social networking site and Google Docs. When users are following businesses and people on Twitter, they are getting updates about products and other people's lives. Twitter makes interacting with businesses and other users easy to market to society. Google Docs helps users load and create documents on the Internet to access anywhere when needed. The application makes interacting with group members or coworkers during an assignment or project easier to upload documents and edit the material.

Maps on a Spreadsheet

Google Spreadsheet

<script src="https​://docs.go​ogle.com/s​preadsheet​/gpub?url=​http%3A%2F​%2F9tm49u9​1btpu7le36​r63p2sj07e​qiv5p-ss-o​pensocial.​googleuser​content.co​m%2Fgadget​s%2Fifr%3F​up_title%3​DBirthplac​es%2520of%​2520Famous​%2520Ameri​cans%26up_​show_toolt​ip%3D1%26u​p_enable_w​heel%3D0%2​6up_map_ty​pe%3Dhybri​d%26up__ta​ble_query_​url%3Dhttp​s%253A%252​F%252Fdocs​.google.co​m%252Fspre​adsheet%25​2Ftq%253Fr​ange%253DB​2%25253AC1​5%2526key%​253D0AsFaE​oA5MLMZdFB​WVGtyV2VPS​jMxTzJzTUV​DdFZ2MEE%2​526gid%253​D0%2526pub​%253D1%26u​rl%3Dhttp%​253A%252F%​252Fwww.go​ogle.com%2​52Fig%252F​modules%25​2Fmap.xml%​26spreadsh​eets%3Dspr​eadsheets&amp;height=320&amp;width=450">


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Social Network Privacy Policy

The social network's privacy policy discusses that when you create or reconfigure an account, you provide some personal information, such as your name, username, password, and email address. Some of this information, for example, your name and username, is listed publicly on our Services, including on your profile page and in search results. We may use your contact information to send you information about our Services or to market to you. The social networking site lists that a person may not breach their system: You may not do any of the following while accessing or using the Services: (i) access, tamper with, or use non-public areas of the Services, computer systems, or the technical delivery systems of providers; (ii) probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any system or network or breach or circumvent any security or authentication measures. The social network site will take measures to correct their system if a breach is found by informing users.